3.11.2 Institutional Environment
The institution takes reasonable steps to provide a healthy, safe, and secure environment for all members of the campus community.
JUDGMENT: Compliant
Southwest Texas Junior College (SWTJC) campus provides a secure, safe, and healthy environment for all employees, students, and guests. All members play an active role in maintaining the campus safety, including environmental well-being.
Emergency Response
The College has an emergency response plan that can be quickly adapted to unexpected situations as they unfold on the main campus and off-campus centers. The plan can be accessed online via the SWTJC website and hard copies may be made by request at the campus Police Department. The plan addresses but is not limited to the following issues: fire, armed individuals on campus, severe weather, injury or illnesses, bomb threats, and hazardous materials.
The emergency response plan is practiced during the academic year per compliance with the Department of Education Clery Act regulations . The SWTJC Emergency Response Committee update and maintain internal policy and procedures for the emergency response plan. They also work closely with the city/county emergency services and emergency management office.
Southwest Texas Junior College’s Emergency Alerts System (ReGroup) is used to communicate with students, faculty, and staff during an emergency by sending a message via a number of methods, including emails, text messages, and recorded calls to home, office, and cell phones. This system is activated within minutes of an emergency to alert individuals about the situation and other important information. It is periodically tested every semester to ensure reliability and accuracy of the system.
Campus Safety and Security
Southwest Texas Junior College’s Police Department is dedicated to a professional, proactive, community-oriented approach to policing and campus safety. The department recognizes and values the importance of a safe and secure educational environment. Many aspects of campus security including crime prevention, law enforcement, subsequent investigation, emergency preparedness, asset protection, and building access control are the department’s responsibility.
The SWTJC Chief of Police works to provide the campus community with an environment that is healthy, safe, and secure. Responsibilities of the Chief of Police include but are not limited to the following:
- Coordinating and supervising Police personnel;
- Coordinating activities and services with contract security forces;
- Providing appropriate assistance to students, faculty, staff, and visitors in need;
- Assisting College administrators with internal investigations;
- Serving as liaison for the College with other area law enforcement officials;
- Compiling crime statistics as required by federal, state, and local college regulations;
- Completing other duties as assigned by the Vice President of Administrative Services.
- Serving as a member of the Command Staff with Uvalde, County Emergency Management; represents the College at County wide emergency exercises.
- Serving as a member of Texas State Guard and Texas Task Force Signal for response to statewide emergencies through Governor’s Division of Emergency Management
The Chief of Police is responsible for monitoring the compliance for the Federal Campus Safety and Security Act and compiling statistics for the Jeanne Clery Crime Awareness and Security Report. This report is updated every year on October 1st and is available for viewing on the Campus Police and website under the Campus Safety & Security Reports section. Hard copies of the report are also available at the SWTJC Police Department along with daily logs.
Southwest Texas Junior College Campus Police website and Safety and Security Report provide valuable and current information that students, employees, and visitors can easily access. The information on the website includes but is not limited to emergency assistance contact information, parking requirements, complaint procedures, crime prevention tips, registered sex offender information, sexual assault information, campus police personnel, and campus crime report. Information on the Clery Act is also available for Uvalde, Del Rio , Eagle Pass and Crystal City
The department employs three fulltime TCOLE (Texas Commission on Law Enforcement) licensed peace officers. Southwest Texas Junior College Police also have the authority to enforce all applicable local, state, and federal laws as well as College rules and regulations in all counties in which property is owned, leased, rented, or otherwise under the control of Southwest Texas Junior College. Their ranks include chief of police, sergeant, and police officers. The campus police work with all municipal agencies, county agencies, and state agencies. All police officers on the Southwest Texas Junior campus have portable radio communication with all emergency law enforcement agencies in an 11 county area.
The SWTJC police are responsible for maintaining the daily log that is available to the public. Southwest Texas Junior College is a gun and alcohol free zone, weapons nor alcohol are not allowed on campus.
Campus Police on the Southwest Texas Junior College Uvalde campus are on duty 24/7.
The Del Rio and Eagle Pass Centers have part-time Police officers and Deputy Sheriffs available on their sites primarily for evening classes. SWTJC collaborates with law enforcement officials in the counties of the centers.
Other avenues to ensure safety and security.
- Conduct in-service for local Law enforcement agencies thru our Law enforcement academy.
- Installed outdoor Emergency sirens in Uvalde, Del Rio and Eagle Pass.
- Posted Siren alert instructions in classrooms and offices.
- We print and distribute Tri-fold brochures outlining safety measures and actions to be taken in emergency situations.
- Conduct student awareness seminars and briefings to all students, faculty and staff.
- Conduct DUI awareness days yearly prior to Spring break release.
- Conduct safety drills on proper conduct in various emergency situations beginning Spring 2015.
The SWTJC Office of Institutional Effectiveness conducts student opinion surveys and faculty and staff opinion surveys. Results from 2014 surveys indicate overall satisfaction with personal safety and security at Southwest Texas Junior College.
Physical Safety and Environmental Issues
Administrative oversight of campus facilities is under the purview of the Vice President of Administrative Services. The Physical Plant Director reports directly to the vice president and has overall responsibility for the SWTJC buildings and grounds. (See organizational chart)
The Physical Plant Director ensures the physical plant’s safety and security. Additionally, the director maintains the institution’s compliance with local, state, and federal regulations. To accomplish safety and compliance, various methods are utilized to educate Southwest Texas Junior College employees. The department has annual training sessions on OSHA regulations presented by federal employees. The College also subscribes to “Safety Compliance Alert ” newsletter which is distributed to maintenance department employees and supervisors on a bi-monthly basis. This newsletter usually has eight to ten articles directly related to safety and OSHA requirements. The subscription to this also includes training sessions on different safety issues, including an assessment tool to make sure the employees understand the particular topic. These training sessions are scheduled for one per month beginning Spring 2015.
Southwest Texas Junior College maintains a qualified staff of skilled maintenance technicians, grounds-keeping, and custodial professionals to provide needed response to physical or environmental issues. Upkeep of the campus facilities requires continual monitoring and regular maintenance. Building systems receive annual preventative maintenance and/or annual safety inspections. Some types of HVAC equipment and electrical equipment receive more frequent PM. In addition to the Building Maintenance PM, fire-safety devices receive annual inspections as required by the State of Texas.
Additional physical safety and environmental needs can be reported to the Physical Plant by the use of the SchoolDude Online Work Order Form. Every SWTJC employee with access to a computer is able to report building deficiencies directly to the Physical Plant.
Energy efficiency is a priority for Southwest Texas Junior College, as stated in Strategic Planning Cycle 2006-2010, strategic objective S5-4. The SWTJC Board entered into an agreement with Schneider Electric to identify and implement energy efficiency solutions. Schneider Electric measured energy use on all campuses to identify potential savings and dysfunctions. Once dysfunctions were identified, Schneider Electric installed low-consumption equipment and systems. The project included a variety of air-conditioning replacements and upgrades, lighting retrofits, and other energy-saving improvements. Schneider Electric and SWTJC have committed to continuously analyze energy efficiency and to realize savings through maintenance, supervision and monitoring See SWTJC Energy Savings Report.
Management of Human Resources
The Southwest Texas Junior College Human Resources Department (HRD) and helps maintain a secure and beneficial environment for students, employees, and visitors. Additionally, the institution is an equal opportunity employer and addresses multiple employee challenges. Some of the issues that the Human Resources Department is particularly concerned with are sexual harassment and discrimination training, policies and practices, employee training, criminal background checks, as well as other miscellaneous topics. All employees are referred to the Employee Handbook or encouraged to contact the HRD if they have questions regarding protocol or policies. A copy of the Employee Handbook can be found on the SWTJC website. Moreover, a hard copy is available for employees upon request from the Human Resources Department. The Employee Handbook prohibits any type of harassment or discrimination (Employee Handbook (DIA local). This is especially applicable regarding sexual harassment. SWTJC defines sexual harassment as; unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually motivated physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct, or other conduct or communication of a sexual nature. The latest sexual harassment training was conducted through the Professional Development Office in January 2015.
All new employees must complete a mandatory orientation. Records are kept of completion of various training for all employees in the HRD.
HRD is also responsible for creating and maintaining many of the institution’s employee policies including but not limited to absences, vacations, holidays, drug/alcohol abuse, and Equal Opportunity (EEO). It should be noted that the College employment policy is to comply fully with state and federal regulations regarding Equal Employment. Any form of discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, or any other legally protected status will not be tolerated in the workplace.
According to the Employee Handbook, all employees that are benefits eligible are entitled to sick leave without payment deductions with a qualifying rationale. Absences that qualify for sick leave are medical, bereavement, and personal reasons. Excessive absences beyond those stated in the handbook result in leave without pay. FLMA allows leave without pay for a maximum 12 weeks if eligible criteria is met.
The College also recognizes drug dependency illnesses such as alcoholism. Employees and students may be referred to advising and counseling services for local professionals and community service agencies. However, the institution also recognizes and maintains a safe, healthy lawful environment for all individuals on campus, and the use of drugs or alcohol on campus is strictly prohibited (Employee Handbook policy DHB (Local)
Miscellaneous Health and Safety Practices
Numerous health/safety trainings and policy workshops are covered in the new employee checklist. This also includes a criminal background check. HRD is designated as the Safety Compliance Officer. Officer ensures that annual inspections of fire alarms and fire extinguishers are performed, as well as fuel tank system inspections.
SWTJC Emergency Response Plan
SWTJC Website Emergency Response & Alert
SWTJC/Sul Ross Rio Grande College Emergency Response Plan
SWTJC Website Emergency Messaging
SWTJC Chief of Police Qualifications
SWTJC Website Campus Police
SWTJC, Safety and Security Report
SWTJC, Campus Safety and Security (Uvalde)
SWTJC, Campus Safety and Security (Del Rio)
SWTJC, Campus Safety and Security (Eagle Pass)
SWTJC, Campus Safety and Security (Crystal City)
SWTJC Law Enforcement In-Service Training Schedule
SWTJC Campus Siren System
SWTJC Emergency Procedures
SWTJC Safety Protocol
SWTJC Student Awareness Seminar Schedule
SWTJC DUI Awareness
SWTJC Training Topics for Spring 2014 Convocation
SWTJC Student Satisfaction of Services Survey Fall 2014
SWTJC Physical Plant Organizational Chart
OSHA Regulations
Safety Compliance Alert
Safety Compliance Alert Training Shop
SWTJC Preventive Maintenance Plan
Simplex Grinnell Life Safety System Annual Inspection
SWTJC School Dude Maintenance
SWTJC Strategic Planning Cycle 2006-2010
Schneider Electrical Energy Efficiency
SWTJC Energy Savings Report, January, 13, 2015
SWTJC Website Human Resources
SWTJC Website Faculty Handbook
SWTJC Policy DIA (Local) Employee Welfare, Freedom From Discrimination, Harassment, & Retaliation
SWTJC Sexual Misconduct Training
SWTJC Mandatory Orientation
SWTJC DECA (Legal) Leaves and Absences Family and Medical Leave
SWTJC DHB (Local) Employee Standards of Conduct Searches and Alcohol/Drug Testing
SWTJC New Employees Checklist
Simplex Grinnell Life Safety System Annual Inspection
Simplex Grinnell Fire Alarms Inspection
Simplex Grinnell Fire Extinguisher Inspection
Chapman Engineering Fuel Tank Inspection